
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Fahaman Wahabbi+ Syiah

Nak tulis sesuatu yang berbeza sikit.

Sekarang dalam berita kat malaysia, sibuk pasal fahaman wahabbi + syiah adalah ancaman kepada negara.
aku bukan orang agama nak cerita secara details pasal kedua2 fahaman tersebut.

Yang aku tau, syiah ni die melebih2 kan Sayyidina Ali dalam setiap perkara.
Zikir, doa, dan sbg nya. Ada yg lebih ekstrim menambah nama Sayyidina Ali dalam kalimah shahadah.
Perihal wahabbi pula, benda ni aku kurang arif. cuma yang terdengar, fahaman wahabbi ni ekstrim sedikit.
Mereka sangat particular pasal menda2 bid'ah ni.

Tapi, kenapa fahaman sekular,islam liberal atau sebagainya tidak menjadi suatu ancaman kepada negara?
Sebagaimana kita tahu, di malaysia fahaman islam nya adalah fahaman sekular.
cuma tidak seteruk fahaman sekular di turki.
kerana kat malaysia, masih ada golongan2 yang menentang fahaman2 sekular ni. 
tapi jika tak di jaga, fahaman sekular ni boleh merebak seperti kanker kanser.

my point is, kalau syiah,wahabbi boleh di katakan sesat, kenapa sekular takleh panggil sesat?
adakah sebab sekular ni amalan orang2 atasan, jadi takut nk labelkan sekular itu sesat?

just my 2cents.

OZ = Aussie

Salam Sejahtera,
Good day mate ! <poyo>

Hari2 di Australia hidup segan mati tak mahu.
Makan bukan main lah payah. Ingat senang ke nak carik makanan halal kat negara majoriti bukan umat islam.
Hatta, roti pun kena tengok takut ada ingredient yang tidak halal.
Ini dinamakan ujian keimanan.

Aku hanya bergantung pada bekalan meggi, dan sedikit perencah adabi yang di bawak dari Malaysia.

Kedai masakan halal ade je kat sini, 15minutes walking distance. tak jauh.
tapi sekali makan, $8-$10. Its freaking expensive.. around RM30 per meal.

Cemana nak hadapi bulan Ramadhan pulak? 
Time siang takde masalah sbb sebelum ni pun, bukan makan sangat. minum air je.
Tapi time buka puasa cemana? Bukak puasa kat sini around 1715-1730 sepanjang Ramadhan ni.
Tapi kedai makan, malls, start tutup jam 430. pukul 5 semua da bungkus.
pasrah je la.

"Oh tuhan yang maha pemurah lagi maha penyayang, kuatkan lah iman ku di negara ini, tempat yang asing bagi diri ku, tabahkan lah hati ini menjalani ibadah puasa sepanjang ramadhan dan kuatkan lah diri ini menghadapi tekanan kerja, semoga segala urusan berjalan lancar"

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Land of Kangaroos- Australia

Good day mate!
It's been a while since my last post.
I've been very busy with works in last month.

As for today, currently i'm in Sydney Australia for vodafone projects support.
I arrived here on 22nd July 2011. The trip is not so good for me because i took a flight from KL to Bangkok to Sydney, using Thai Airways. The trip for KL to Bangkok took about 2hours. I've never use Thai Airways before. The flight was using Boeing 777. Quite a big airplane and the Interior is much better tha MAS 737 which i usually take from KL to Jakarta.

Depart form KLIA at 2055 and arrive at Survabhumi Bangkok Airport at 2205 local time. Transit for about 2 hours. But that 2 hours was used for immigration checking, prayers and walking to the terminal gate. the airport is freaking huge. After immigration checking, i walked about 1km to the  C terminal gate which is for flight to Sydney. The flight to Sydney take off at 2355 local time. The journey took 9hours from Bangkok to Kingsford Airport Sydney. finished 1 movie in the flight.

After arrived at the airport, took a cab to the office building. its freaking godly expensive, $74 x3.24 = rm239. It's just a 30km journey. Then, i paid $100 for apartment deposit, took the key and went to the apartment. It took me another 1 and a half hour just to find the right apartment. Walking around in the neighborhood with big luggage and it was raining at that time. pffttt. Later when i found the right apartment, quickly unpack some clothes and arrange my things in the closet and the table. Overall, the room and the apartment is incomparable to Jakarta's Office Apartment. i dont even have a study table here.  And the pillow is thin as a paper.

Alrite folks, that's all for now. Will continue again later with  Lakemba dan to Sydney City Centre journey.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Jakarta Part 2

Salam, selamat siang(menulis time siang).

Sejak balik ke Malaysia pada 19hb Apr dan kemudian datang kembali ke Indo pada 3rd May, aku tak update langsung blog.Sebabnye time kat Malaysia banyak benda nak kene buat, dan aku juga malas.haha.Cerita kat malaysia tak perlu tulis kat sini sebab takde menda menarik yang berlaku.

so, sekarang suda kembali ke Jakarta untuk kali kedua. Atas urusan business. untuk 2 bulan.

Dalam ERL pergi  KLIA.
Tunggu flight, makan subway nuar belanja.TQ!


I already got my business visa. TETAPI, still kena tahan dengan Imegresen Indonesia kat airport selama lebih kurang 20 minit. haha.
" Pak, datang ke Indo untuk urusan apa?" tanya pegawai imegresen yang baju putih nya seperti baju sekolah budak darjah 5 lepas main kejar2 time rehat.
" Urusan business dan meeting pak" jawab aku dengan yakin. sebab da ade visa business, so rase nye takde masalah.
" tapi ngapain sampei 60hari meeting?"die tanye lagi.
"Meeting, training pak" aku cuak.
" bapak biar bener, datang meeting atau  kerjain di sini pak"
"bener, meeting dan training" aku pucat dah kot masa ni

*TIPS*-  Jangan cuak dan buat muka pucat kalu kene soal dengan imegresen. haha

The coversation dragged for about 20-30 minutes. i called my boss, my colleagues in Jakarta to prove that i'm on business trip... Tapi imegresen yang bodoh tu masih tidak percaya. dah ape guna aku ada visa business?haih.
Last2, die cop jugak passport tu. haha. Tapi lepas tu aku trauma, stress dan macam2 lagi (drama skit).

Balik ke company dormitory kat Taman Anggrek,Jl. S. Parman, Grogol ..hihi.
Gambar dari bilik. So ni la gambar dormitory kampeni kami. Swimming pool itu hanya dipenuhi lelaki2 dan wanita2 berumur sahaja. tiada apa menarik utk dipandang. lol.

Dan bermulah rutin2 harian yang biasa di sini. Ada kawan2, tapi tiada teman2 seperti di Malaysia. Kawan2 yang baru kenal 1-2 bulan tak sama macam teman2 yang dah kenal 3-4 tahun. Tambahan, kawan2 dari Malaysia kat sini semua nya non-Malay. So mungkin ade menda yang terbatas sedikit bila berkawan dengan diorang, but they are cool though.Yang pasti, DOTA tetap boleh main sama2.haha.

sunset dari bilik. ni bukan dari D90 ok. kamera cap ayam.

Untuk 2 bulan ni, kerja lebih banyak dari kali pertama aku datang ke Indo sebulan yang lepas. Takde masa nak rehat sangat. Harap boleh tempuhi semua dengan jaya.huhu. Kali ni lagi ramai kirim ole2, tengok lah macam mana nanti kot ada masa pegi mana boleh shopping murah2. kamera d90 pon tak buat kuar lagi. ade 50mm je nak utilize.huhu

Ku mohon doa rakan2 dan keluarga  agar aku dapat menjalani kehidupan di sini dengan tenang dan di jauhi dari segala bentuk dosa.

Mari sama2 betulkan niat bekerja, Lillahi-taala. Di hantar ke sini untuk mencari rezeki halal, bukan berpoya-poya.

Rabbi yassir, wa la tu assir.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Going back to Kuala Lumpur

i'll be going back to Kuala Lumpur later on this Tuesday, Apr 19th to renew visa and other purposes.

I need to renew my business visa in order to continue working in Jakarta for another 3 months.

I also need to care some unfinished jobs in Kuala Lumpur. (EIT report,shopping :D )

However this all depends on whether the project team need me to assist them here or they want me to go back and never coming back. I dont mind either way.

So this weekend i'll start packing a little bit.

Arsenal will play against Mugmasher  Liverpool at Emirates on Sunday.

I hope i can watch the game in local TV indonesia . The internet here for live streaming is awful.

p/s:i just realized that blogspot is only available to access on weekend. 
does the local ISP block the access during the weekdays?pffffttt~

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Arsenal vs Blackpool

Nothing more than a win should do.

Travelling to Jakarta part 1

let me start something about my travelling experience here. Not much though.

1) Soekarno-Hatta Airport

if you are travelling by air flight, you will arrive at this Soekarno-Hatta international airport.  
(credit to wiki :p) 

when i arrive i saw gardens within the terminals. cool stuff. 

this is the baggage claim area. (credit to wiki :p) 

ade cherita pasal kat baggage claim area ni.hahah. masa mula2 sampai tu lepas cop visa kat imegresen, kene la pegi claim bag2 kan. so aku pergi la kat coveyer belt yang bawak bag2 banyak. so aku tunggu la bag aku , berpuluh2 kali pusing bag yang sama aku tak nampak pun bag aku smpai da takde beg dah. aku pun ape lg, belagak cool. mane ade cuak,hahaha (ok sbnarnye aku cuak gile). pastu aku gi tanya org dekat situ, "pak, saya tidak jumpa bag saya, gimana ya?" (nak ckp indo tunggang terbalik) .ok pastu die jawab  " bapak dr flight mana ya?" "MAS" ,jwb aku.  "kalo MAS sila ke sana, nomor 4" kata mat indon tu. aku pon bergegas pegi,tgk ade beberape org pekerja indon tgh pegang bag aku. haha. tau pun gelabah, salah tempat claim bag. LOL. biasa la,  first time travel.

2. Taking Taxi to destination (my office)

Well, i took the wrong-expensive-luxury taxi. haha 

Taxi in Jakarta is easy to find, but you need to know which one.dont ever go to the taxi counter inside the airport. its damn expensive especially for those never come to Jakarta before. my taxi cost to my office building was Rp 230,000. aroudn MYR 80, it was Toyota Camry from Silverbird Group. Dont ever take this taxi if you are a poor guy like me. Go and find a blue Vios taxi called, Bluebird. cheaper, and they are metered taxi. This taxi should only cost me around Rp 100,000. pfftt.

3. My apartment

It is called office dormitory . haha. TAMAN ANGGREK.
quite a luxury place. there 2 types of apartment here, 1 is 2rooms 1 bathroom, and another one is 3 rooms and 2 bathroom. mine is the later. i'm sharing room with 2 chinese, 1 from China, and 1 from Malaysia. We dont talk much though.

Under the apartment is Anggrek Mall, and next to the apartment is Central Park Mall, both are big-size mall. but living above the mall everyday, makes me bored. haha everything is damn expensive.


credit to 

That's all for today. For the next part, i need to own camera. i want to share what kind of foods available here.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Weekend+ arsenal

My weekend in Jakarta is not that wonderful.

Sitting in front of the laptop, facebook ,tweet, is all i do. + some reading for works.

I got no chance to 'jalan-jalan'. Because i dont know where to go, and the public transport here is bad.

Well, 'hujan emas di negeri org, hujan batu di negeri sendiri, lebih baik di negeri sendiri'.

I started to miss my family, her, my friends and my routine in Malaysia. haha.

My malaysian co-worker here is okay, but we are not that close to go hang out together.

but for china expat here, they are robots. working non-stop. they have no life and fun. they love to work.

I wonder what China government  brain-washed them..huhuhu.

Coming to Arsenal part, my friends know that i'm an Arsenal fan. since 1997 when they first visit Malaysia that time. and i become a 'real' Arsenal fan since 1999. because that year ManUtd won treble and i like supporting underdog team or no 2 team. haha.

And last night there's Match between Arsenal and Blackburn at emirates stadium. and it's frustrating. compare to Man Utd match result before that, Arsenal showed the incapability to be the EPL champion. Many bloggers argue about the Mentality of some Arsenal players. there's no urgency to win the league. maybe they are happy playing like a horse shit. some players like Wilshere, v.Persie,Fabregas, Nasri are good, some are just as bad as  Lindsay Lohan drug problem. and last night draw make me wanna puke on their faces. Come on lads, you can do better than this. Although i do believe that the title already gone to Man Utd this year. Well, thats the bread and butter supporting arsenal for the last 7 years, you are so close to win titles and yet the players kick them away. for the 7 consecutive year Arsenal has won nothing. it's the manager problem or the player or the coaches?  you decide.  i'm frustrated with Arsenal ,but thats my team. The best way is to enjoy the football week in week out. Winning or Losing the title doesnt help my financial. And for those other fan than love mocking other people, if you team win the league this year, just keep it to yourself. Your team win the league, but are still unemployed , your debt is increasing , you still need to pay your bills. My suggestion is, be happy for your team but dont mock people around. haha.pfft~ bast**d!


Next 2 weeks i'll be handling some works handover from my friend and InsyaAllah by 19th April i'll be back in Kuala Lumpur hopefully. another 16days to go~

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


ya, jakarta .

terkenal dengan 'macet' ..

it's no 14 worst traffic jams behind other big cities.

what make it worst, the public transport is non existence, expect for bus and taxi.

i have never seen a subway, or other rapid transport. but there's train though, like KTM in malaysia i think.

based on my experience, compare to KL, jakarta traffic is 5 kali lipat,(haha) or 5 times as many cars in KL.

if anyone can handle the traffic in jakarta, traffic in KL is just a small matter. haha.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Gadis Indo

hmmm.. benarkah gadis2 indo jauh lebih chantek dari gadis2 malaysia?

setelah seminggu di sini, aku boleh ngatakan bahawa mereka chantik. tp boleh ngatakan bahawa gadis malaysia juga chantik2. cuma yang beda, yang chantik senang di jumpai di indonesia karena jumlah penduduk yang ramei.haha.

tadi lepas balik kerja, pegi jalan2 kat mall kat bawah nampak ade pesta2 jualan henpon, tapi hanya ade 3 booth. satu booth iphone, blekberry, nexion( WTH?) .. of cos la booth blackberry paling ramei pengunjung. booth iphone? lengang. nexion? tak pegi jenguk pon ramai la.

yang pasti, warga jakarta memang ramai menggunakan blackberry. i can assume around 60% is using blackberry.woot. ramai kan? android phone and iphone cannot survive in indonesia market, they should lower the price!haha

that's all for today, time to sleep.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

My first entry!!

Hello, good day everybody.

This will be my first entry for the umpteenth time blogging. my first blog was in 2005 but already deactivated. haha


This blog will help me to share my life story in jakarta , Indonesia. I'm in Jakarta for work purpose not leisure travelers.

Insha'Allah i'll be travelling around the world for a while until i settle down and get married. Haha. so for the time being, i'll share my experience in place i've never been before.

I'll post something later if i have the time. I need to buy digital camera! haha. how stupid i am, travelling to foreign country but didn't bring any camera along. LoL.